While assisting her stepson Trevor (Nathan Bronson) in moving into a residence for college, Nancy (Mona Azar) is greeted warmly by one of Trevor's new housemates, Sophie (Gizelle Blanco). It becomes clear from their conversation and getting to know one another that Sophie is unmarried, from a small town, and rather naïve. Her ignorance is further exposed when she reacts awkwardly to Nancy's sexual orientation, and then Sophie excuses herself for a short while. However, when Sophie walks away, Trevor and Nancy follow her, obviously observing her. The cunning couple, who are grinning slyly at each other, think Sophie is quite the catch and quietly plot to woo her... TOGETHER. Nancy (Mona Azar) is assisting Trevor, her stepson. This sheltered college student from a small town needs to broaden her horizons.