A nervous Richard (Steve Holmes) awaits the arrival of Natalie (Vanna Bardot), his stepdaughter. He hasn't seen Natalie since the wedding, but she's moving in for the summer. He's a little anxious about having to make Natalie feel at home entirely by himself while his wife is out of town. Even though he makes an effort to be kind and inviting, Natalie is extremely chilly towards him when she arrives. Even though he makes an effort to be kind, Natalie is already a pain. She believes he's only offering to carry in her bags because he doesn't think a mature woman is capable of taking care of herself, even when he offers to do so. Richard continues to attempt to be a well-meaning parent despite the difficult beginning. But he always ends up in compromising circumstances, no matter what he does. It appears as though Natalie WANT him to view her in a sensual manner! Eventually, he understands that Natalie is acting purposefully when he discovers her bra hanging on his door one day. However, it becomes clear that Natalie is still playing tricks on him when he confronts her about it.