Ariana Marie and Kota Sky, two girls, need to get back in shape. After tying their shoes, they head for the trails. Kota receives encouragement from Ariana, who says that she's doing a fantastic job and will soon have a million-dollar appearance. Arianna reveals that she has a hot tub at her house, just as Kota was in desperate need of a shower. The ideal setting for unwinding after a demanding workout. The girls undress and put on their adorable bikinis, checking that the water was warm by dipping their feet in it. Ariana asks Kota if she would like to take off her bikini top in a flirtatious manner. Ariana tells them that since nobody was home, they were completely safe and alone. With intense sexual desire for Kota, Ariana pours water over her perky little breasts, stroking her upper thigh and pinching her lovely nipples. Kota acknowledges that she has always been envious of Ariana's attractiveness and charm. Ariana acknowledged that she was lustful and fixated on Kota's flawlessly toned tits. They plunge into the hot tub and give each other intense, passionate kisses. Since it was Kota's first time being touched by a girl, she was apprehensive when Ariana tried to lick her pussy. Kota sits on the tub's edge and spreads her legs wide apart to show off her tight pussy. Kota could not handle Ariana's lips; it took her only a few moments to scream and climax with lust. Kota was going to give Ariana the same pleasure, licking her velvety lips, causing her to stiffen up, shiver from a powerful orgasm, and spasm. Kota and Ariana knew as soon as they planted their first kiss that their relationship would continue beyond a casual stroll in the park. It was the beginning of a youthful romance. Kota could not handle Ariana's lips; it took her only a few moments to

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