Judy Jolie answers the phone when she is working on some stuff while lying in bed. Judy has just been informed by Kenna James, who is on the other line, that she may join the cheer squad. Judy tells her that's a great idea and is pleased! Given that Judy has been a member of the team for some time, Kenna wonders if they would cross paths at some point. After Judy arranges for tomorrow's time, the girls end the call. Judy gives Kenna an additional uniform to wear the following day so they can train together. She will need to look the part if she hopes to make the group! What kind of moves is she expected to learn, Kenna asks? Kenna is very certain she won't be able to pull that off when she brings up the splits. Judy assures her that she is not foolish and shows her how simple they are to complete. To prevent herself from hurting herself, she urges Kenna to try it on the bed. Judy tells Kenna that she's actually closer than she thinks as she extends out. She motions for her to lie down, then carefully lifts Kenna up by grabbing her legs. She assures her that she should be fine if she performs this a few times each day. When Judy questions Jenna about her decision to join the team, she confesses that she wasn't just supporting the team for fun. She acknowledges that she wants to be among attractive girls, but she is unsure if those girls are lesbians like her. Jenna is thrilled to hear from Judy that many of the girls are actually lesbians. Judy suggests they try something a little different after declaring that the training is over for the day. Kenna knows exactly what she means when she smiles. The girls know they're in for a fantastic semester when they start crafting!

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